
Read Articles From Past Capstone Classes

Spring 2023

Alexandra Platel

Canada’s Largest Mental Health Institutions: Prisons

Anita Jheeta

Finding a Balance Between Justice and Health: A Glimpse of Perfection

Cole Davies

That’s Not Me: A Look at Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Deep Fakes

Emilia Davies

Is Any Vancouver Housing Truly Affordable? An Investigation of Vancouver’s Troubled Housing Situation

Erika Zen

Urban Green Space: Is Metro Vancouver as green as we think? 

Graeme Hughes

 A Trip Into the Unknown: An Exploration of the Mind-Altering Benefits of Microdosing Psychedelics 

Janea Hay

Who gets to Experience Love? The Importance of Fostering Romantic Relationships for People on the Autism Spectrum

Jeffrey Felix

Dangerous Play: The Benefits of Risk in Relation to Learning 

Lexy Atterton

The Lawless Land of Family Influencers: The Exploitation of Children on Social Media 

Massimo Felicella

Identity and Inclusion in the NHL: Is Hockey Really for Everyone?

Matthew Shong

Gambling for Kids: Why Lootboxes Are Villainous Dopamine Hits

Megan Adams smiles broadly

Megan Adams

Nothing About Us Without Us: An Exploration of Youth Participatory Action Research

Sarisha Prasad

The Honorary Member: How I Discovered My Own Music Therapy and How It Helped With My Mental Health 

Sophia Goto

Winning Over Wellbeing: Exploring the Culture of Concussion in Sport


Tina Behin

Gender Differences in Overcoming the Effects of Body Dysmorphia