
Read Articles From Past Capstone Classes

Spring 2022

Angelo Tarica

Excessive Psychological Medication for Individuals Suffering from Depression and Anxiety

Bianca Salamis

High School InternetSafety Education in British Columbia: Navigating Emerging

Brittany Oake

The Recovery Trip; 
The Journey Through the Possible Psychedelic Solution
to Substance Use Disorder

Clara Koehle

Call Me by My Name:
My Coming Out Stories,
and Other Clarafications

Dev Beniwal

Systemic Discrimination a
Cause of Occupational Gender Segregation in Canada

Edmund Strachan

Communities Rooted in Nature:
Understanding Civic Ecology within the Lower Mainland

Geoff MacDonald

Exploring The Benefits of Community Connections in the Running of a Local Bike Shop

Harris Cook

A Time for Innovation:
Fixing the Shipping Industry

Ian Lau

Taking Off Our Green-Tinted Glasses: An Investigation on the Growing Threat of Greenwashing

James Chan

The Need for Helpers to be Helped: Prevalent Issues Affecting First Responders that Must be Addressed

Jamie Ward

Childhood Trauma and Psychological Development: A Close Evaluation of Children and Covid19

Jessica Price

School Counsellors: The Stressed-out Mental Health Experts 

Josh Joubert

How Do You Like To Be Managed?: Insight From An “inexperienced, unqualified, and uneducated” Employee 

Kaeli Seddon

Advocating for Mental Wellness Support for the Children and Youth in British Columbia

Laine Tadey

Educators Left to Their Own Devices: Implementing Digital Literacy in the Classroom


Keisha Christensen

Proposed solutions to Canada’s current failing and corrupt prison system 

Sol Zamiadi

The Lack of Mental Health Services in the Canadian Correctional Facilities; Promised Rehabilitation and Proper Care is Urgently Needed

Andrew Soo

Algae’s Ability to Combating
Climate Change